Travelling to France during COVID

Summary of topic: over-planning is necessary...

Most of my advice will be given based on travelling mid-pandemic so please take what you want from it based on the situation when you are travelling. I'm not sure if COVID will still be the same when you go, so just I'm documenting everything in case! If it isn't... then you can read about my crazy journey and you'll be reassured that yours will probably be much less stressful!

Flights & Insurance

When I travelled there was about every restriction in place. I had an exemption to travel for education purposes, however I had a lot of forms to fill and a lot of checking to do. The rules were really vague online and some websites were saying different things to others. For example, some said I needed a negative test to travel and others said I didn't. Also some said I needed to self isolate on arrival and others didn't.

My dad took me to a travel agents to book the tickets. The agents are called Trailfinders* and I 100% recommend them. They managed to clarify all of the vague answers for me as they had special systems with up to date information. Turns out I didn't need to self isolate or have a negative covid test for travel, which saved me a lot of time and money. 

They were a little bit more expensive than booking online but it was worth it as I was already stressed trying to leave for France last minute as my exemption results came in quite late.

They also provide a 24 hour support helpline should anything go wrong in France or at the airport. I called them before I was about to go to see if there was any updates and they were really helpful.

For insurance, I was insured through my university. I just had to complete an application through my student portal.

Travelling during COVID

For travelling mid pandemic it came a shock to me when I saw no one was social distancing at the airport.

No one was made to sanitise before boarding the flight which really shocked me. There was no social distancing on the flight either it was packed! Not one seat to spare. 

Finally, we were asked to print off a no symptoms of COVID declaration and this was mandatory otherwise we would not be able to fly. This was not once checked in any of the airports or when landing in France. I was also once never asked my reason for travelling even though it was outlined in the government guidelines that it was essential travellers only. 


My luggage unfortunately did not make it on my connecting flight. This was not the best welcome to the country.... I was stressed enough as it is! (I travelled with KLM and had a stop in Amsterdam and I have heard from others that it has happens quite often).

I remember my dad telling me to pack a change of clothes in my bag and I wish I listened to him. I just didn't think this would happen to me..

Luckily, after speaking with them they said they would deliver my luggage the next day so it wasn't too bad. I was in an Airbnb so I had things like towels for the shower. I had brought a toothbrush and paste with me too. The good thing is you can always get essentials from shops.

When the delivery driver called me to deliver, he first called to confirm a time and then called again to say he was here. They have your address and things so you dont need to worry about saying all that. When he got here I just said "J'arrive", meaning "I'm coming". Then I got it!

And that's it, I began my journey in France from there!

*Please note that all hyperlinks are in the colour red.


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