ELA: Examples of Class Activities

Summary of topic: don't over complicate things.

Before I went on exchange, I had absolutely no idea what I'd be doing. So, I thought I'd give you an idea. 

Your advisors at the education centre will have books, ideas and plans to get you started. I made a lot of my own resources because I like being creative but they will be there to help you.

Example 1 - The Family

My mum gave me the great idea for this which was for the kids to make their own houses and draw their family inside. They loved the house making activity. They spent more time making the house than their actual family...

After you've taught them the general vocabulary of the family then you can get them to do this. I asked them to draw whoever lives with them at home. You can include pets too and link it to animals. They can write the labels of everything next to the drawings. 

I asked the children to come to the front and present their family. They loved showing off their houses. 

For the youngest ones I had a template of the houses already done up as they would find it hard to cut the houses into shape.

I also created my own "Happy Families" cards for them to play with. They loved it!

Example 2 - Hangman / Pictionary

This is a good game to play at the end of a topic. For the older ones Hangman is a good way to test their spelling and for the younger ones Pictionary is useful for memory tests. You can do it in teams as a whole class or split them into pairs. 

Example 3 - Tic Tac Toe

I made a tic tac toe grid for hobbies and sports. 

Example: I like painting. They can cross it out if they get the sentence and hobby right. 

I split the class in two teams and created different grids so they all got a turn. Or you can print them on sheets and get them to play it in pairs. Ask them to use counters instead of an X or O so that you can reuse the sheet. 

If you are stuck for ideas, don't hesitate to message me. I have a whole google drive of lesson plans and resources that I made during my time there.


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